
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Joys of (Almost) Teacherdom: Half Price Books

Made two stops at HPB sites today. The first was at their warehouse facility, where teachers can go and grab overstock books at no cost.

Yes. Free books.

I met up with a few folks from my teaching group and we all left with boxes of goodies. Rumor has it that it's sometimes an orderly affair, but today people were grabbing piles of books and stuffing them in their cardboard boxes, luggage, laundry baskets, etc. I at least tried to select things that were of some interest. Wound up with a lot of books on writing, some anthologies, and a bit of miscellanea. Also picked up some cassette tapes: Jackson Browne, Jim Croce, The Call, Beach Boys, Ennio Morricone. My classroom will be rockin' hard, you betcha.

I also went down to the main HPB store in Dallas. Picked up Stephen King's Secret Windows, a companion book to On Writing. Hadn't heard of it before, so cool beans for me. At the register I asked if student teachers qualified for the 10% teacher discount.

They said, "Why not?"

I said, "Yee-haw!"

OK, I didn't say it out loud, but it was implied when I said, "Thanks." The discount covers sales tax and a bit more. Yee-haw, indeed.

I'm sure not every day of being a teacher will go as smoothly, but I'll takes what I can gets while I can gets it.



3 Snarky Remarks:

Ok, so you'll send me the Secret Windows when you're done, right? I've never heard of it either.

I looked on Amazon and the least expensive used is $16.50. Ugh.
Blogger ~michelle pendergrass, at 12:07 AM  
Need to visit and take a trip to where teachers get free books--whoo hoo! (I figure you've cornered the market on Yee-haw for now :-)
Welcome to the perks of academia!
Blogger Jenny, at 6:45 PM  
Man, I want to read that too. Maybe Chris will give it to you, Mich, as payment for driving his moving truck.
Blogger Unknown, at 9:44 PM  

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