
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Monday, March 12, 2007

One of Those Great News/Could Be Worse News Things

We met with Phil's teacher this afternoon to go over his report card. Excellent scores in everything. Well over the 100-word mark in the one-minute story reading test. Does math well, too; that's nice to know given how much he balks at homework. His ability to shut out classroom distractions and focus on his work has improved, which was something he was struggling with last time around.

In the could-be-worse department, while we were in town celebrating Phil's grades our Subaru started whining when we put it into gear. At first only from a stopped postion, then a little bit going into second. A loose belt/tensioner thing would be an ideal thing for our mechanic to diagnose when he gets in tomorrow. A new clutch, less ideal. As much as this isn't on my list of things to go wrong this week, it's even more not on next week's list or the one for the week after that. If it had to go fritzy -- and apparently it did -- better now than then. So thank you, God, for that.

How was your hodgepodge Monday?



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