
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Submission #4 and Finding My Niche

Sent in another short story last night, so that's four for the year. First one came back "no thanks." Second is going to a review committee (yay!). Third (the non-fiction, taxes) has been accepted (and paid!).

So number four is out there. And five should be out by the end of the month. (Six and seven -- and, long shot, eight -- should be out middle of April.)

Working on the submission last night I had to come up with a cover letter and author bio. Not my favorite part of the process. Since it was a contest I used a 1-sentence pitch instead of full-blown letter. Think I found my niche in summarizing who I am for the bio, though:
Chris Mikesell writes for guys, but not in the sense that some people work for food...

Not exactly Seatbelt Suspense, but it's a start.



1 Snarky Remarks:

Love it! Will you write my bio? lol
Abundant blessings,
Jenny Cary
Blogger Jenny, at 6:39 AM  

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