
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Long Weekend, or: Is It Monday Yet?

This is the weekend before the '06 Macworld SF Expo. Rumors abound about what will be the "one more thing" moment, here and here for instance. And while nothing sounds "insanely great" to me, I can't believe Steve Jobs' keynote on Monday [oops, keynote's on Tuesday] will be a yawner.

I've put off my iPod purchase until hearing if new models/price reductions will be announced next week. My Christmas money is burning a hole in my stocking; visions of click-wheels have been dancing in my head. So after the keynote I'll either get in the queue at Apple's online store or head to a brick-and-mortar in town.

Over on digg.com someone has found a link to Steve Jobs' first "new era" keynote. Check it out.


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