
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

derfco is coming

But what is it? And more importantly, why? And can it possibly get my whites whiter and colors brighter?

Feel free to speculate snarkily. (derfco.com is being squatted upon, so you'll find no help there)


2 Snarky Remarks:

I'm guessing the name is related to der Fieldenmarshall -- right? But I think there needs to be a rhino somewhere in this logo. :)

As to what and why? You are inscrutable , oh wise dFm. I am not worthy ...
Blogger lindaruth, at 4:01 PM  
There does need to be a rhino in the logo somewhere, doesn't there? Maybe for derfco-2

The name is partly related to the derF in der Fieldenmarshal, but also because of what derF spelled backwards spells (which has also been a long-time alias of mine).

Look for an answer on Friday.

Blogger Mikesell, at 1:11 AM  

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