
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Friday, October 29, 2004

Setting the Bar - How Low Can You Go?

One piece of advice given by the instigator of National Novel Writing Month is:
"… you should lower the bar from 'best-seller' to 'would not make someone vomit.' "
I think I can do that.

I've set up a second blog (they're free, take two), where I'll post selections of the least vomit-inducing prose from each day's work. Some days it may just be punctuation; other days, not even that. We'll see.

Special note to literary agents and publishers: I am, of course, kidding in the preceding paragraphs. It's gonna be a masterpiece, with hardly any execrable passages at all (unless you're into that kind of thing; in which case - hoo boy! - are you in luck).


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