Tuesday, October 26, 2004
SPAM! What Is It Good For?
In the book, No Plot? No Problem! the author includes tips from past NaNoWriMo participants, suggesting ways to make the month-long novel writing ordeal exercise more manageable. One person commented that she (if I recall correctly ("IIRC" for AFs, or acronym fans) the commenter was a she) got the names for characters in her stories by looking at the fake names used in the "From" portion of spam e-mails.
Right now I have a Ricky Singh, a Rupert Manley, a Caitlin Hensley, and an Esmerelda Mayo (really!) all wanting to sell me Rolex watches.
Got any good names in your Spam or Trash folders? Make a snarky remark about 'em. Maybe they'll make the book. At the very least they should be good for a laugh.