
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Day 2 Recap - No Election Commentary

Well, I didn't get any writing done this morning or early evening due to Election Fever. But this evening I cracked open a Diet Pepsi at 9:20 and 2.3 hours later walked away with another 2,066 words written.

Let me add that I love the auto-correct feature in Word (not the auto-complete feature; I hate that). In the chapter I wrote today my main character, a writer named David Graham interviews the local sheriff, Brandon Woo (see excerpt, on NaNoWriMo blog page). Unfortunately, my fingers could never remember if sheriff has 2 r's or 2 f's (they usually went with the extra r and shorted an f). So I added the word and the typical misspelling to the auto-correct table and stopped worrying about it.

I was also appreciative that common contractions typed with a semicolon auto-corrected to an apostrophe.

9% written in two days. Yay me!


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