
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Tent Meeting Without the Tent

We loaded up the Subaru this evening and headed for Salem First Free Methodist Church where Pastor David Carr of Birmingham, England, was leading a three-day conference. In addition to preaching, Pastor Carr also offered healing for those willing to come forward. He had preached on healing from psychological/mental afflictions as well as physical, and since I've been struggling with anger issues and mild depression, neither of which are incredible lifestyle enhancements, I went forward.

Carr, instead, remarked that "time for [me] slows down," which it does sometimes. Time slows down and doubts and fears rush in to overwhelm me. Panic attack? I don't know. But he prayed over me and my thought processes have since cleared up considerably. Where before three or four commentaries would run in my head simulataneously (a couple things I'd be thinking about, thoughts criticizing what I was thinking about, thoughts criticizing the negative thoughts, the negative thoughts shouting back ... I'm exaggerating only slightly), now I'm thinking one thought at a time and not criticizing or critiquing it. Even listening to the radio on the way home, I could sing along or ignore the music and think, but I couldn't do both at the same time. (I could still process sensory information and act on it, making it possible to drive and listen to music simultaneously; I'll try chewing gum and walking later.)

It's wonderful to have a quiet head for a change. And since the criticizing thoughts have hushed, the depression feels lighter; and since the warring thoughts are gone, I find myself more patient -- so I'd say the root of the problem was dealt with rather than the symptoms.

Praise God for his mercy and his grace!


2 Snarky Remarks:

God is so way cool!
Blogger Angie Poole, at 10:24 PM  
Amen! Praise God, indeed.
Blogger lindaruth, at 7:40 AM  

Get snarky