
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Musical Interlude with Phil

I joined the zombies over at WalMart this morning at 4:00am for the feeding frenzy known as Black Friday/post-Thanksgiving shopping. Walked away with a new digital camera. The Kodak Z710.

Decent pictures -- Phil lost one of his top front teeth on Tuesday (and based on the angle of the remaining one, it won't be in there for long), here's how that looks.

The big selling point on the camera, however, was the 30 frames-per-second video with sound. It's not full-fledged camcorder quality, but it's good. Good enough to commit this musical interlude to posterity: Fanfare from the Common Phil. (YouTube has tweaked the sound some. If you have an onboard equalizer, pump up the bass to adjust for the Donald Duck effect...)

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1 Snarky Remarks:

Can't go wrong with classic :-)
Blogger Jenny, at 6:12 PM  

Get snarky