Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Did You Lose This Poem?
Last week, over at faith*in*fiction, Dave Long shared an example of Found Poetry:
("Author" note: I removed the word "an" from the beginning of the title; the words of the "Baltoslavic" proverb were each received individually as the title of spam messages; where I've indented and separated with commas, each two-word phrase was preceded by the two-word phrase and comma of the line preceding it (i.e., I had four e-mail titles beginning "Your health," and three with "Fun,"); the parenthesized words were combined to form a single spam title; all the semicolons and periods were added by me.)
What masterpiece is lurking your spam folder?
I've been impressed with the "found poetry" in SPAM. Have you looked at the wonderfully crazy assortment of words that spam emails contain? I have no idea what this nonsensical gibberish is for...but I enjoy it for the slightest of seconds before deleting it forever.I was about to empty my trash mailbox this evening when I thought I'd see what message the spam-lords were sending me, cryptically, subliminally.
Open My Hairpiece Highboy Pizza
Sagomac myjo kaseryza wypy gozupic nelazu.
[– faux Baltoslavic proverb]
Your health,
nose hitch, Mid-europe;
Your health,
one-oclock, pearl diabase.
Your cash,
outlet plate.
goat-toothed, Pro-soviet;
potassium hypoantimonate.
slave market.
Amazing stuff
(your future),
coffee borer
(oak gall).
("Author" note: I removed the word "an" from the beginning of the title; the words of the "Baltoslavic" proverb were each received individually as the title of spam messages; where I've indented and separated with commas, each two-word phrase was preceded by the two-word phrase and comma of the line preceding it (i.e., I had four e-mail titles beginning "Your health," and three with "Fun,"); the parenthesized words were combined to form a single spam title; all the semicolons and periods were added by me.)
What masterpiece is lurking your spam folder?