
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Saturday, November 26, 2005

One Week 'Til Blogging Vacation

In one week Dina, Phil and I will be heading down to L.A. to celebrate my folks' 40th anniversary (though technically they've only been my folks for just under 37 years). We (my brother, his family, my sisters, the folks, us) will be taking a Royal Caribbean cruise to Ensenada (stops also in San Diego and Catalina) from the 5th to 9th. Then Disneyland. Then home.

I've never been to Ensenada or Catalina. I'm expecting Ensenada'll be a cross between Acapulco and Guadalajara (where I have been); I'm thinking Carmel-surrounded-by-the-Sea about sums up Catalina. We'll see if my expectations will be met or exceeded. This will be Phil's first trip out of the country, as well as his first trip to Disneyland. Dina's been everywhere but Ensenada -- and since she plans on spending as much of the trip as possible poolside, it remains to be seen if she'll have been to Ensenada or not when the cruise is over.

I may blog a time or two before or after the cruise, but at $7.50/minute ship-to-shore don't expect anything mid-week.

I've blogged every day since May 17th. We'll see if I go through withdrawl onboard the big boat. If you start to feel lightheaded while I'm on hiatus, check out the archives (maybe I'll leave you with a "Least-Worst-of" this coming Thursday or Friday).


1 Snarky Remarks:

Maybe you could hand-write your daily blog for updating as soon as you hit dry land again! That way you're sure to beat any withdrawal symptoms.

Have a great time.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:26 PM  

Get snarky