Tuesday, May 24, 2005
New Christian Fiction Celebration IV
Good day and welcome to the fourth monthly Celebration of New Christian Fiction. This is the fourth monthly Celebration of New Christian Fiction, and you're welcome to it.
Our contributors have given us a feast this month, with everything from pears to tortilla soup to a variation on linguine. Some entries are meaty, others (mine, perhaps) frivolous meringue. There's something to suit everyone's appetite, so have a seat, loosen your belt a notch, tuck your napkin up under your chin...
...and (in mostly alphabetical order based on the last letter of the authors' first names) let the celebration begin:
Linda Gilmore, over at Lindaruth's Spot, has always told stories, just not always written them down. But writing them down has opened the door to more writing and now she can't stop. Take a look at her answer to the question Why Do I Write?
Paula Moldenhauer, GraceReign blogger, presents us with thoughts on Blossoming, as well as the 3 Ps: pear trees, patience and prayer.
Valerie Comer, blogger at In My Little World, offers Way Too Funny advice every writer should know, even if they don't follow it.
Thanks to the published results of a recent Merriam-Webster word-invention invitational, Jeanne Damoff can rest easy knowing she's not married to a "lingweenie" (i.e., a person incapable of making up new words). In fact, fictional words and/or definitions flow with melliphonious hydroxeny at her house. Read all about it in her blog post, Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls. As an added bonus, aspiring romance novelists will also glean valuable advice for those oh-so-challenging-to-write bedroom scenes. Warning: Rated R for Ridiculous.
Editor Mick Silva over at MyWritersGroup has been discussing the type of fiction worth devoting one's life to. His Learning from the Masters entry was the most-read post since the group's inception.
Chris Well, Learning Curve mastermind, presents MORE BERTRAND! Take a break from asking for Forgiving Solomon Long wherever crime fiction is sold and read his interview with J. Mark Bertrand, author, miniature-vehicle enthusiast and interviewer to the stars.
Pat Loomis, possessor of Deep POV (the blog and the state of consciousness), gives us Faith in Writing. The first time I read Pat's contribution I thought she was referring to a lecture given by TV's Wil Wheaton, not a lecture at Wheaton College. I know, this reflects poorly on me. But, please, don't hold it against her -- read her entry on the strength of faith (if not the weakness of virtue), courtesy of a luminary much, much greater than Ensign Crusher.
Mary DeMuth, blogger of relevance at relevantblog, tackles the eternal question of what bridges the gap between writerly rejection and tortilla soup. Read her article, More than Tortilla Soup, to discover the connection.
Two more things:
Dee Stewart wrote an excellent article in Spirit Led Writer on magazine article publishing that holds true for fiction writing as well. Dee didn't submit the entry, but I felt it was one of the best things I've read in the past month (no offense to everyone else who's stuff I've read ... yours was good, too). Too wonderful to pass up an opportunity to call attention to it. Also check out Dee's Christian Fiction blog and her personal writing blog: Angel on the Back Pew.
And finally, my own contribution to this fiesta: Speaking the Language, a narcissistic stroll down memory lane that honestly was written before I read Val Comer's entry.
Thank you for your patronage. Please tip your hat to Pat Loomis who started this celebration four months ago. If you'd like to join in with us next month, leave your name and e-mail address in the comments below and she'll be in touch.
God bless and drive safe.
Our contributors have given us a feast this month, with everything from pears to tortilla soup to a variation on linguine. Some entries are meaty, others (mine, perhaps) frivolous meringue. There's something to suit everyone's appetite, so have a seat, loosen your belt a notch, tuck your napkin up under your chin...
...and (in mostly alphabetical order based on the last letter of the authors' first names) let the celebration begin:
Linda Gilmore, over at Lindaruth's Spot, has always told stories, just not always written them down. But writing them down has opened the door to more writing and now she can't stop. Take a look at her answer to the question Why Do I Write?
Paula Moldenhauer, GraceReign blogger, presents us with thoughts on Blossoming, as well as the 3 Ps: pear trees, patience and prayer.
Valerie Comer, blogger at In My Little World, offers Way Too Funny advice every writer should know, even if they don't follow it.
Thanks to the published results of a recent Merriam-Webster word-invention invitational, Jeanne Damoff can rest easy knowing she's not married to a "lingweenie" (i.e., a person incapable of making up new words). In fact, fictional words and/or definitions flow with melliphonious hydroxeny at her house. Read all about it in her blog post, Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls. As an added bonus, aspiring romance novelists will also glean valuable advice for those oh-so-challenging-to-write bedroom scenes. Warning: Rated R for Ridiculous.
Editor Mick Silva over at MyWritersGroup has been discussing the type of fiction worth devoting one's life to. His Learning from the Masters entry was the most-read post since the group's inception.
Chris Well, Learning Curve mastermind, presents MORE BERTRAND! Take a break from asking for Forgiving Solomon Long wherever crime fiction is sold and read his interview with J. Mark Bertrand, author, miniature-vehicle enthusiast and interviewer to the stars.
Pat Loomis, possessor of Deep POV (the blog and the state of consciousness), gives us Faith in Writing. The first time I read Pat's contribution I thought she was referring to a lecture given by TV's Wil Wheaton, not a lecture at Wheaton College. I know, this reflects poorly on me. But, please, don't hold it against her -- read her entry on the strength of faith (if not the weakness of virtue), courtesy of a luminary much, much greater than Ensign Crusher.
Mary DeMuth, blogger of relevance at relevantblog, tackles the eternal question of what bridges the gap between writerly rejection and tortilla soup. Read her article, More than Tortilla Soup, to discover the connection.
Two more things:
Dee Stewart wrote an excellent article in Spirit Led Writer on magazine article publishing that holds true for fiction writing as well. Dee didn't submit the entry, but I felt it was one of the best things I've read in the past month (no offense to everyone else who's stuff I've read ... yours was good, too). Too wonderful to pass up an opportunity to call attention to it. Also check out Dee's Christian Fiction blog and her personal writing blog: Angel on the Back Pew.
And finally, my own contribution to this fiesta: Speaking the Language, a narcissistic stroll down memory lane that honestly was written before I read Val Comer's entry.
Thank you for your patronage. Please tip your hat to Pat Loomis who started this celebration four months ago. If you'd like to join in with us next month, leave your name and e-mail address in the comments below and she'll be in touch.
God bless and drive safe.
2 Snarky Remarks:

Thanks for adding me, Chris. You know I wanted to submit this month, but forgot. So this is a blessing. And I am honored.
linda(dot)gilmore(at)gmail(dot)com. (fill in the punctuation and you've got it. or follow the link to my blog and find my address in my profile)