Friday, September 24, 2004
Weekend Homework Assignment: Book Review
I've moved on to a novel by James Patterson, When the Wind Blows; I'm kinda hoping the book's a stinker (the other books of his I've read have been mixed bags) so I can title the review "It blows all right" and the blog entry "Thar she blows: Another book review." I don't think I can use a "blows" pun if it's good.
Why you should read my review of The Fly on the Wall: If you've been following the CBS memo flap - and who hasn't - you know all about what technology was or wasn't extant in the early 70s. While avoiding the political angle, I look at what else passed for high tech way back when. It isn't pretty (the tech; you can decide for yourself if the review's pretty after you read it).