
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What's Not On Your List This Christmas?

Jordon Cooper has posted 10 things he's not getting for his wife this Christmas. I've got to say they wouldn't go over too well with Dina, either. (Actually, Dina has a Thinkpad, so Jordon's #4 would have to be changed to "memory upgrade for my PowerBook" ... not that Dina ever borrows it.)

Earlier this evening I searched calendars.com looking for a Victorian Houses calendar for her. No such luck, although there was a Victorian Nudes one. Something tells me we're gonna make do with the railroad calendar from Orchard Supply again this year.

So, what wouldn't you want to give or receive this year? Failure to leave a snarky remark means used lederhosen may show up under the tree for you....


1 Snarky Remarks:

We're not getting any of these:

or these:


(Tell dad to check the insurance, ok?)
Blogger ~michelle pendergrass, at 10:08 PM  

Get snarky