
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Watch Your Back, Santa

Coming home from Wednesday-night activities at church tonight Phil announced that it's deer and elk season (he has sources in-the-know, apparently). He wanted to know what an elk is. I told him it was like a big deer.

"Oh," he said, "so it's just deer season."

No; I explained an that an elk is like a big deer, but different.

"I think it's really deer and elf season."

"Really?" I asked.

"No, I was just making a crack."

Kids these days.


3 Snarky Remarks:

His first realized deer season!

Oh Chris,I teared up reading this.

Blogger Angie Poole, at 6:23 AM  
"Deer and elf season ... I was just making a crack." LOL
And where did he learn that? ....
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Blogger lindaruth, at 8:20 AM  
In other news, we'll be heating the house with Phil's stocking full of coal.

Anj: Any time you want to teach the boy the art of the long gun, let me know. Well, and send cab fare.

Linda: The "crack" line is a slight paraphrase, but it keeps the context and flavor of what he said. Since we praised him for his humor, he's tried to outdo himself ("deer and hat season," "deer and toilet season" for instance). He needs to learn when to leave well enough alone (in multiple areas of his life).

Blogger Mikesell, at 12:00 AM  

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