
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Monday, June 20, 2005

Monday: The Vengeance

Actually, my Monday's not going so bad. The MediaShout computer only died once at VBS this morning and I found out adults get free food. What a deal for me.

But maybe your Monday's a bummer. Here're four ways to distract yourself until quitting time (if you're on the East Coast, you should've left five minutes ago. If you're still working, you need to play one of these now!)
  1. Variation on the old jump-a-peg game

  2. Trashcan B-Ball (my best is 11)

  3. Lite-Brite

  4. The old Nintendo "Duck Hunt"

Don't forget to fill out your TPS reports.

Source: 1) thanks to recent visitor Nancy French, 2 & 3) courtesy WinXPnews, 4) via digg.com


4 Snarky Remarks:

HEY Chris, have a every bet the peg game? I can only get it down to 3 pegs! can it be bet?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:28 PM  
Chris is there any way to beat the peg game, and the trashcan bball game, my high score was a 4,
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:27 PM  
My best score on the peg game is 2. It would be very mean if it weren't actually winnable.

Keep playing.

Blogger Mikesell, at 3:26 PM  
I got it down to 2
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:35 PM  

Get snarky