Monday, June 06, 2005
From the Mouths of Four-Year-Olds
As Dina was tucking the boy into bed tonight, they had the following conversation:
Phil: I'm going on a field trip. It's for ten days and you're driving the bus.
Dina: Oh really?
P: Yes. It's just for four-year-olds ... just for boys ... well girls and boys, but they have to have blue eyes. [this is an arbitrary thing, not an Aryan conspiracy, okay?]
D: That's not nice. You should let everybody come.
The boy is insistent.
D: You know, Jesus had brown eyes....
P: Well he's not coming on the trip.
D: But Jesus is always with you....
P: Okay, he can come on the field trip, but he has to walk.
Somewhere/somehow something has gone terribly wrong in the boy's upbringing.
I blame the public school where he did pre-kindergarten.
Phil: I'm going on a field trip. It's for ten days and you're driving the bus.
Dina: Oh really?
P: Yes. It's just for four-year-olds ... just for boys ... well girls and boys, but they have to have blue eyes. [this is an arbitrary thing, not an Aryan conspiracy, okay?]
D: That's not nice. You should let everybody come.
The boy is insistent.
D: You know, Jesus had brown eyes....
P: Well he's not coming on the trip.
D: But Jesus is always with you....
P: Okay, he can come on the field trip, but he has to walk.
Somewhere/somehow something has gone terribly wrong in the boy's upbringing.
I blame the public school where he did pre-kindergarten.
1 Snarky Remarks:

and talked about what they are teaching the kids in school, evolution, and the kids that learn that, by the time they are out of school 90% of them don't belive in God, scary thought isn't !