
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

What's New in Philville?

Mr. Smartypants: If you ask Philip how old he is he'll tell you "three and five-sixths." Dina asked him how old he'll be when he's "three and six-sixths" and he answered "four." He's the amazing Rainboy (if he keeps it up, someday he'll be a Rainman) We'll see how he handles "eleven-twelfths" at the end of the month.

The Puzzler: For his birthday last year Aunt Julia gave Phil a set of six Thunderbirds mini-puzzles (I'd show you the puzzles, but they don't exist anywhere on the Internet, even eBay). He hadn't shown much interest in them until about a week ago. Now he's doing them all by himself. What a guy!

New Shoes for Phil, Too: About two years ago we bought Phil a pair of Nike sneakers and set them on top of his dresser for use when he grew into them. I was getting something off the dresser this evening and saw/remembered them. He tried them on and, lo and behold, they fit! Another month and who knows, but for now he's stylin'.

Where's the Pix?: When my folks were up here the other week they took some photos. When we get them, we'll put them up here. Maybe I'll take a picture of him and his puzzles (to prove they exist) in the next day or two. Is that good enough for you? We should have some next month for his birthday, too; so take it easy, don't give yourself an infarction.


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