
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Monday, January 12, 2004

12 Days and Counting

Dina won't be back for twelve more days; Phil and I have somehow managed to survive two days on our own so far.

Phil did well in church today. He was bribed with an hour of play at Fred Meyer PlayLand (the in-store babysitting at Freddy's) and a HotWheels car. He did well at Sunday School and Cherubs' Church (the class he goes to during the sermon), and even sang a little (and danced some) during Praise & Worship time. Daddy did well, too; so he got a clearance 5-wood ($15!) at Freddy's.

Phil fell asleep on the car ride home and once home was given the choice of more nap or snow golf and he chose nap. So I went out and managed to lose two fluorescent golf balls in the snow. They should turn up in a day or two after the rest of the snow melts. I made surprisingly good contact, so I'm interested to see just how far they went.

Dina reports that Grampa Al is hanging in there. When asked if he wanted to watch some TV, he answered, "Hell no." Clearly, his mind is still sharp.

Phil and I watched CutThroat Island this evening, and after Arrested Development I reviewed it. Read the review here. Not my best review, but CTI wasn't the best movie, either. Still, please vote "Yes" on the review.


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