
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Sunday, January 11, 2004

The Big Thaw

Well, Phil and I took our last sled ride of the season this afternoon. Grass has begun poking through the snow, providing less than ideal sledding conditions. The moisture content in the snow has improved, so Phil and I had a nice little snowball fight. Phil survived, if only because I didn't want to rush him 45 minutes into town with a concussion, plus I throw like a girl.

Dina had a good visit with her grandfather. For some reason the hospital insists on serving him hot tea with his meals, then he gets crotchety about having coffee and they bring it. Maybe it's occupational therapy to keep up his fighting spirit, but they better keep the metal bedpans away from him in case he decides to go occupational upside their heads. Keep strong, Grampa Al.

With Dina away, I am letting my conversational skills atrophy and am catching up on my reading and film screening. There are two new DVD reviews at Amazon: one for a collection of short claymation films called Creature Comforts, the other for a very scary movie, a remake of The House on Haunted Hill.

85% of our Christmas tree has left the house. 15% is embedded in our carpet.


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