
So Much Stuff I Can't Recall

Thursday, June 30, 2005

When Everyone's Super ...

You wind up with lame heroes like this:

Name:  Vektor Protektor
Power(s):  Odor generation, Empathy, Gravity control
Source of powers:  Mutant vampirism
Weapon:  Flaming Hubcap
Transportation:  Protektor Phone Booth

Yes, that's what I wound up with when I visited Lee's (Useless) Super-Hero Generator. I am the Vektor Protektor. Why the vektors need protecting I don't know. Perhaps the raster graphics (or maybe the rasta' graphics) are attacking. I hope not, that would be worrisome. Oops, went off on a tangent there for a secant. Didn't mean to do that. (math puns are fun, but I better stop now or I won't have any friends left who might cosine on a loan for me.)

I must say I dig my powers. It's like The Spleen with Jedi Mind Powers. Whatta deal. And my Dr. Who knockoff transport? Very retro.

Thanks to WinXPnews for calling my attention to the superhero generator.


1 Snarky Remarks:

Oh, quit playing around. I believe you have a romance novel to finish reading.

Blogger Brenda Coulter, at 3:10 PM  

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