Sunday, December 21, 2003
We just got back from 3-days/3-nights in Capital City, Arizona.
You could tell we were tourists from the NW since we were the only ones wearing short-sleeved shirts. The weather was in the mid- to upper-70s and there were people walking around wearing parkas.
I'll fill in the details later, but here's a snapshot of what we did:
- I golfed
- We went to the ZooLights at the Phoenix Zoo
- We hit a 50% off sale at Goodwill
- We ate at several fooderies we don't have here in Oregon
- We paid $13 for a movie Phil ordered using the TV remote
- We went to another Christmas Lights display at a train-themed public park
- I got the complimentary birthday sundae at the Outback, but managed not to get sung at
Actual snapshots will follow soon.